Parameters configuration (Smart Devices App)

Smart Devices App

Smart Devices App is a software tool developed by Libelium that allows users to install new firmware versions and program the configuration of Libelium devices in few clicks.

For further information (installation and execution) please refer to Smart Devices App manual: Smart Devices App (Binaries Updates)

Configuring Air Quality Station parameters

How to plug the device

Before using the Smart Devices App, you must keep in mind how to plug and initialize it properly.

As explained in a previous section, there is a micro-USB socket on one side of the enclosure. In order to use the device along with the Smart Devices App, it is mandatory to set up the device in "boot mode". Therefore, follow the next steps:

  1. Make sure the device is switched off by removing the power supply connection.
  2. Then plug the USB wire to the corresponding USB port.
  3. Once the USB wire establishes a connection between the device and any computer it is possible to power on the device by connecting the power supply on.
  4. The device shall have started in "boot mode".
Air Quality Station bottom view Plug the micro USB cable into the proper socket then power on the device

Air Quality Station menu

Launch the application and go to the "Air Quality Station" menu:

<img src="/images/docs/aqs/smartdevapp_001.png" alt=""Air Quality Station" tab" style="width:80%;" >


Firstly, you need to login with the proper credentials in the Username and Password forms:

Credentials settings

Use your Libelium Cloud credentials

USB settings

Please click Refresh button to discover the USB port where the device is associated to. Then click on LOAD FROM NODE button:

USB port selection

Load from node

This button loads the current parameters stored in the device and displays them in the app:

Load current device settings

Program parameters

Program parameters
Parameter Range Default value
Loop time 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes 1 min
Noise sensor integral period 1, 2, 3, ..., 59s,
1, 2, 3, ..., 59 min,
1, 2, 3, ..., 24 hours
1 min
Enable Noise Sensor ON / OFF ON
Enable Weather Station ON / OFF ON
Enable Particle Matter ON / OFF ON

LTE parameters

LTE parameters
Parameter Description
Login APN login
Password APN password
Firmware LTE module firmware

Save parameters

The "Send to node" button saves the current parameters displayed in the app:

Save parameters

If any parameter does not have an acceptable format, a red cross is displayed close to it, so it will not be possible to overwrite the information on the device. If the information introduced is valid, a green tick is shown. When loading/sending information to the node, the application will warn the user through a pop-up window about the status of the operation.

Firmware upgrade

When "UPGRADE FIRMWARE" button is pressed, the device connects to Libelium Cloud and downloads the latest bootloader and application firmware designated for the Air Quality Station devices. Then upgrades all firmware versions.

The firmwares versions are displayed on the "Device info" section:

Firmware upgrade


If case of critical error, the app allows the user to update the device token. This must be done under Libelium request only.

After clicking on the "SHOW" button, a form will permit to update the device token.

This field must be only modified upon Libelium request

A bad token configuration will disable all device communications

Token upgrade