
The Smart Parking v2 solution developed by Libelium allows citizens to detect available parking slots.

Smart Parking node developed by Libelium

The Smart Parking device applies intelligent algorithms to detect changes in the state of the parking slot. Then data is transmitted across the LoRaWAN infrastructure to the LoRaWAN Network Server. Finally, the information is delivered to a final Cloud system.

Smart Parking architecture

One of the next Cloud system possibilities are available:

  • Libelium Cloud (SaaS solution): Cloud provided by Libelium which allows the user to remotely configure the node parameters (sleep time, keep-alive, night-mode, etc). That makes it possible to directly install the nodes with factory default settings and then update them from the server side. Both Loriot and Actility LoRaWAN Network Servers are supported. Also, visualization maps and Cloud connectors are provided.
  • FIWARE (On-premise solution): FIWARE-based platforms are supported always that ChirpStack LoRaWAN Network Server is used. If FIWARE platform is already provided by the client, then frame decoding and data treatment are provided by Libelium. On the other hand, a full FIWARE installation in the user's system is provided when needed.
  • Client third party platform (On-premise solution): Any Cloud or platform developed by the user which could provide database, visualization etc. In this scenario the LoRaWAN Network Server connection must also be developed. Frames decoding documentation is provided to the client when this option is chosen.
Feature Libelium Cloud FIWARE Client 3rd party platform
Server hosting SaaS On-premise On-premise
Network Server Loriot or Actility ChirpStack Any integrated by the Client
Visualization Yes Yes Must be developed by the Client
Remote configuration Yes No Must be developed by the Client

The devices' provisioning is very simple. The nodes are delivered with default program settings and unique LoRaWAN identifiers and keys. So it is easy to use the default settings to register all nodes in the LoRaWAN network server at a time.

The Smart Parking node provides an outstanding detection performance thanks to its radar sensor. The next table shows a comparative analysis of the current sensor technologies in the Smart Parking market:

Libelium Cloud remote parameter configuration:

Libelium Cloud remote parameter configuration