Aveva (Wonderware)

Wonderware Online Insight Cloud Platform

If you don't already have a valid Wonderware Online InSight account, you can get one for free by registering at either Wonderware's North American or European instance:

Next, click on the "Sign up" button in the top right corner to get started. Then complete the registration form.

Figure : Wonderware Online InSight landing page with “Sign up” button to get started

You will then be prompted to create your Wonderware Online InSight solution. Provide any name that you like for your new solution that will contain your soon to be published data.

Once your solution has been defined, create a new CSV/JSON data source. To create a CSV/JSON data source, access the Administration page as shown below.

Figure : Wonderware Online InSight Administration page menu access

Once in the administration page, click on "Data Sources".

Figure : Wonderware Online InSight Administration page

Click the "+" icon to create a new data source.

Figure : Data Sources menu option highlighting how to create a new CSV/JSON data source

Provide any name that you like for your new CSV/JSON data source and click "OK".

Once your new data source has been created, you will be shown its API authentication token. Click on the "Copy" icon to copy this string to the clipboard.

Figure : New CSV/JSON data source


To get started, you will simply need:

  • A valid Wonderware Online account with administrative access to a solution.
  • A defined CSV/JSON data source in your Wonderware Online solution.
  • The API Token key for authentication from your CSV/JSON data source to publish your data.

If you already have a valid Wonderware Online InSight account, please copy your API authentication token from the defined CSV/JSON data source and paste in the Token field as shown below.

Go to Cloud Connector -> Basic Cloud Partner -> Wonderware Online Insights.

In the Configuration panel, the user can set:

Figure : Wonderware Online Insight Configuration panel

Click on the "Save" button for storing the configuration fields.

Controlling synchronization

With all entries of the configuration filled, you can start the connector by clicking on the "Start" button.

Figure : Wonderware Online Insight sender is running

You can stop the program anytime clicking on the "Stop" button.

Figure : Wonderware Online Insight sender is stopped


Need help? Write to feedback@wonderware.com. Your questions will be answered, helping you to get started.