
{warning.fa-dot} This Cloud Connector is no longer available since November 2020

Thing+ allows customers to build their own IoT services with high speed, reliability, scalability, and cost competitiveness, connected by a SaaS or PaaS IoT platform. When Thing+ Embedded devices connect to the Thing+ Cloud (public or private), customers can visualize various data graphs and charts from sensors directly on the Thing+ Portal. Device registration is easy as the Thing+ Portal provides dashboard widgets, a trigger-condition-action-based rule engine for alert notifications or to control actuators, and results in the form of an event timeline.

Get API Key

Figure : Request API Key in the ThingPlus panel

  • Fill form.
    • Gateway ID.
    • Select "API Key" (Authentication Type).
  • Click "Get API Key".
  • Copy the "API Key".

Figure : Get the API Key in the ThingPlus panel

  • Set "API Key" in the Meshlium Manager System.
    • Go to ThingPlus configuration again.
    • Paste the "API Key".

Figure : Enter API Key in the ThingPlus plugin

  • Click the "Save" button (ThingPlus gateway app will restart).
  • If the status is "STOPPED", then click on the "Start" button after saving API Key.

Register Gateway and Sensors

  • Go to your ThingPlus service.
  • Go to Gateway Management page (via upper right menu).
  • Click the + button in the upper right corner.
  • Fill the form:
    • Select Gateway Model as "Libelium Meshlium".
    • Input Gateway ID (the same MAC address when registering gateway).
    • Select Device Model as "Waspmote Basic".
    • Input Device Address (Waspmote address is the id_wasp field).
    • Input Device Name.
    • Select Sensors to register (all sensors are selected as default).
    • Select Site Name (default).
  • Click "Register a Gateway, Devices and Sensors" button:

    • ThingPlus gateway app will restart and send the sensor data in a few minutes.
    • You can see the sensor data at Dashboard or Sensor page.

Figure : Registering a Gateway in ThingPlus service.