In order to access to the Meshlium Database from an external application you have to use the following parameters:
Using the command line, you can connect using this command:
mysql -h -u sslroot -plibelium2007
You can use any management MySQL application like MySQL Workbench or SQLyog to access the database in Meshlium and perform any maintenance operation.
Meshlium has a built-in phpMyAdmin instance that allows local database management. Go to:
Tools -> phpMyAdmin
Click on "Open in a new window" to open the phpMyAdmin panel.
You can directly access phpMyAdmin panel in the URL: https://[Meshlium_IP]/phpmyadmin
Where [Meshlium_IP] has to be replaced for the IP used in Meshlium. It can be WiFi AP, Ethernet or 4G IP.
To login, use the credential shown in the section "Direct access".